Journal of Bionic Engineering
  • 主办单位:吉林大学
  • 主管单位:教育部
  • 国际刊号:1672-6529
  • 国内刊号:22-1355/TB
  • 邮发代号:12-277
  • 全年订价:¥436.80

Journal of Bionic Engineering杂志

Journal of Bionic Engineering


Journal of Bionic Engineering是一本由吉林大学主办的科技期刊,2004年创刊,季刊。该刊严控学术质量,努力吸引高质量论文,为该行业领域发展建设与科研成果传播做贡献,欢迎大家踊跃投稿或订阅。本刊主要栏目有:原始论文、综述。

  • CSCD期刊、统计源期刊、SCI期刊 期刊级别
  • 1.25 影响因子
  • 吉林 出版地区
  • 季刊 出版周期

CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版) 统计源期刊(中国科技论文优秀期刊) 知网收录(中) 维普收录(中) EI 工程索引(美) SCI 科学引文索引(美) Pж(AJ) 文摘杂志(俄) 国家图书馆馆藏 上海图书馆馆藏 文摘与引文数据库 文摘杂志


中国优秀期刊遴选数据库 中国科技期刊优秀期刊

投稿咨询 加急咨询 立即订阅

发表咨询:400-808-1731 订阅咨询:400-808-1751

Journal of Bionic Engineering杂志简介

《Journal of Bionic Engineering》创刊于2004年,办刊以来,融指导性、实用性、知识性于一体,发行周期为:季刊,经过杂志社调整,不断提高了刊物的整体质量,在行业内有一定的影响。

《Journal of Bionic Engineering》是一本专注于仿生工程领域的国际学术期刊。该杂志的主要目标是促进仿生工程学科的发展,推动交叉学科的交流与合作,并提供一个平台,让研究人员和专家分享他们的创新成果和研究发现。



Journal of Bionic Engineering投稿须知


(一)Manuscripts should be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submission.

(二)Manuscripts should be prepared in single column with wide margins and double spacing throughout. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc. should be numbered. All variables and Greek letters should be in italic, and all constants should be in Roman. Vectors or matrix variables should be in bold italic.

(三)Title page: This page should contain a concise and descriptive title with no more 80 characters, name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), city, zip code, country, full telephone, E-mail of the corresponding author.

(四)Abstract: The abstract should be clear, informative and not longer than 300 words to outline the objective, method and main results.

(五)Keywords: Authors are asked to provide 3 to 6 items for cross-indexing of this paper. The keywords should be placed below the abstract with one space line apart from it.

(六)Text: The text should contain an Introduction to put the paper in proper perspective for the audience, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion sections. Section and subsection headings must be numbered in the decimal system

(七)Illustrations: Each illustration must be prepared on a separate page; never embodying the illustrations in the Text.

(八)Acknowledgements: Individuals or groups other than the authors who were of direct help in the work should be acknowledged. Information on research grants should be mentioned here.

(九)References: References should be typed on separate page. All references should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text and bracketed.

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